
Observation Deck Q2 2022

Read the newest edition of our Observation Deck here:

KEYSTONES: The end of financial repression?

EQUITIES: Through the fire

COMMODITIES: Most people don't live on love and fresh air

Find the digital version here:

Observation Deck Q2 2022 EN

A German and French version are available on the respective language versions of the website; you can toggle the language at the top right corner (desktop version) or in the menu (mobile version).

mayo 02, 2022


Perspectiva 2 SEM 2024

Lea aquí nuestra última publicación Asset Management Research con perspectivas para el segundo semestre de 2024:

julio 19, 2024


Letter from the CIO: "Goldilocks again!" - June 2024

Read our latest Letter from the CIO publication titled "Goldilocks again!" here:

junio 17, 2024


Carta del CIO: " ¡Mantengámos la calma! "

Lea aquí nuestra última publicación de la Carta del CIO titulada "¡Mantengámos la calma!":

mayo 29, 2024

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